To find out when the next OMG will be click here.
In case you need help figuring out the simple technology to participate, here's a guide:
1. What You Need:
A computer (desktop or laptop), tablet or smartphone - or even a plain old telephone;
2. Getting Ready to connect online:
If using a tablet or smartphone:
a) download the free Zoom app from: Apple App Store, Google Play or Windows Phone Store.
b) if you'd like, you may test your connection ahead of time by clicking here: http://zoom.us/test (or enter that link into the browser on your device)
If using a computer or laptop:
a) you will definitely need speakers (built-in or external) or a headphone, so that you can hear the session;
b) Optionally but useful and usual for online sessions, you will need:
i) microphone (built-in or external) if you want to ask questions;
ii) webcam if you want others to be able to see you.
c) you may test your connection ahead of time, by clicking here: http://zoom.us/test
c) The very first time you join using a computer, it may ask to automatically download a small app.
Say yes to this, and you should arrive in the meeting “room” a few moments later.
Don’t forget to breathe, relax and smile!
or If you plan to use a plain old telephone:
Just follow the dial-in instructions below. Nothing else to do, figure out or achieve.
3. Connecting for the session:
a) Find a comfortable place to breathe, relax and enjoy the session.
b) The online meditation "room" connection will be open 15 minutes ahead of each session. This is a good time to chat with others early to arrive.
If using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer:
simply click here: http://dz.ee/omg
or paste the above address into your browser
Alternatively if using a plain old phone, just dial:
United States: +1 (669) 900-6833
and when asked, enter access code: 280-955-590
and the password 108108
If you are asked for a Participant number, just press # to ignore
c) Once you arrive, you should be able (at a minimum) to hear others.
d) Please get familiar with muting and un-muting your microphone so that the session is not interrupted by your ambient room noise. You'll want to un-mute your device if you have a question during the Q&A. Due to inevitable lag with online connections, any group chanting should be done with your microphone muted.
To toggle mute on or off on a plain old telephone, dial *6. To "raise your hand", dial *9.
If you run into any problems and are on a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone app, ask for help via the Chat window.
All sessions will start at the appointed time.
We look forward to seeing you there.